Website development was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
Website development was co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
European Union: Together with EU funds

Supported by EU funds

With Tourism Valorisation of the Representative Monuments of Rijeka’s Industrial Heritage the City of Rijeka responded to a call for grant award from EU funds, published by the Croatian Ministry of Regional Development and EU funds. After seven rounds of evaluation, the required funds were granted in 2017. The value of the project is HRK 81,339,442.05. Eighty-five percent of the sum, the maximum amount granted to a single recipient, or HRK 68,891,606.18, is covered from the EU funds. The remaining costs of the completion of the program will be paid from the city’s budget.

The grant will be spent on the restoration of the monuments of culture, which are important parts of the project Rijeka – the European Capital of Culture 2020. The Palace will be converted into the building of the City Museum of Rijeka, while Galeb, which is berthed to Rijeka’s main pier, will become one of the Museum’s branches. The ship and the upcoming programs that would be hosted here, are related to program Seasons of Power, a part of Rijeka ECC 2020 project. Seasons of Power program directs its critical attention to different totalitarian systems that influenced Rijeka’s life in the 20th century.

The Palace will be converted into the building of the City Museum of Rijeka, while Galeb will become one of the Museum’s branches.